First, my chocolate syrup. My grandmother used to make this for me for her homemade biscuits. She was a very large lady. I always assumed the chocolate didn't keep her from being that way. I discovered today, (when I was out of chocolate syrup and wanted a mocha frappe {recipe follows}) that it wasn't the chocolate syrup, gosh darn it, it was those good ole bicuits. (or Bickets, we called them)
Okay, so here's the recipe
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
dash salt
1/2 cup water
combine all ingredients in a 1 qt. pan, mix well and bring to boil, stirring while it boils for a minute or two. Allow to cool and put into a refrigerator safe container and store refrigerated.
Total Calories: 30 calories, 0 fat!
Now, the mocha frappe' recipe: (I got this from this month's Good Housekeeping, and it is soooooooooo good. And so much cheaper than Starbucks ($3+) and a little lower cal and fat, too. (Starbucks 8 oz. mocha frappe' is 150 calories and 2.5 grams of fat. In this recipe, I found it to have 103 calories and 2.5 grams of fat, so the calories aren't that much different and the fat isn't different at all, but it's quick, conveinent and cheaper. That's what sells me these days. and besides, do you realize how many jello cups you could eat with those extra 47 calories? LOL. (that's 4 1/2 if you're wondering, b/c sugar free jello is 10 calories a cup!)
Okay, so the recipe, sorry, I got sidetracked:
1/3 cup strong coffee (I use espresso)
1/3 cup 2% milk
1 Tbsp chocolate syrup (from above recipe)
2 tsp. sugar (you could probably omit this if you wanted, would save 15 calories)
1 cup ice cubes
put into blender and blend until smooth
Okay, y'all, my drink is gone and the dryer is done. Time to get off here for a while!